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To Increase Public Confidence and Integrity: FIA-OIC Declares his Assets to LACC

The Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of the Financial Intelligence Agency of Liberia (FIA), Mr. Mohammed A. Nasser, has emphasized that Assets Declaration is a significant benchmark in the fight against corruption and also, a preventive and meaningful anti-graft tool that enhances public confidence and integrity in public governance.

Speaking recently after he declared his assets to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), Mr. Nasser elaborated that appointed and elected officials’ declaration of their assets is an international standard captured in the United Nations Convention against corruption.

According to him, asset disclosure is a preventive tool that is so useful to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and other anti-graft entities in helping to minimize corruption and monitoring public officials’ incomes against unlawful buildup of wealth.

The FIA OIC wants verification of his assets by the LACC to ensure validation of the actuality of items he has listed on the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission’s declaration form which he recently presented to the LACC for transparency purposes.

“Transparency in public governance cannot be overemphasized because the National Code of Conduct encourages the disclosure of income (s), registration of assets, personal interest (s), performance and financial bonds for all public officials and employees of government,” Mr. Nasser Pointed out.

He concluded that to avoid unwarranted allegations of the accumulation of illicit wealth and possible conflict of interest, asset declaration should be embraced by all appointed, elected officials and government personnel whose roles and positions are stated in the Code of Conduct for Public Officials as well.